My favorite reset buttonThis afternoon the universe gave me a gift; an unexpected free afternoon, perfect weather and close proximity to one of my "happy places", Hopewell Lake outside of Morgantown, PA. I've been traversing the trails around this lake since I was a babe in arms and have carried my own babies on these same trails. There is something special about having an intimate relationship with such a beautiful place. I have circled the lake in knee high snow, through Springtime's budding green and Summer's lush warmth. But if I am truthful, I love it best in Autumn. As I walked the familiar path, it struck me that it was the perfect metaphor for life. Sometimes easy, sometimes challenging, sometime clear, and yes, sometimes obscure and a little scary. But the path is always there and no matter what your thoughts are on the divine, it is an excellent place to " Be still and know that I am God." Psalm 46 I am so very lucky to have parents that understood the importance of nature to the nurturing of your soul. As a family, we've camped from coast to coast and all through Canada, (with pressed clothes and tablecloths). We do have standards. The gift is priceless and reminds me of a wonderful book that every parent and grandparent should read and take to heart. The Last Child in the Woods and a few thoughts from Robert Frost The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep. Excerpt from Stopping by the Woods on a Winter Evening Apple Season!What is a trip to the country without a stop off at a local farm stand? The apples were wonderful and I had to bring some home. It was a great excuse to try out this recipe. What a shame the recipe only called for 1/4 cup of hard cider. What to do with the rest of the bottle???? Apple Cider Donut Cake |
Karen HelmeKaren is an interior designer and the owner of FOUND. Archives
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